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Chicken with Sweet Potato and Broccoli

So many sweet potatoes in my life this week!! I like to roast a few at a time and keep them in the fridge or the freezer…Sweet potatoes, and all vegetables, contain fiber, as I am sure you know, and fiber has some extraordinary health benefits, but there is a more recent fiber buzz word kicking around lately and it is “resistant starch.” It’s just a small amount in sweet potatoes, but they are learning more and more about the positive effects of eating it. You will find more in day old white rice or leftover baked potatoes, but long story short, the starches in potatoes and some grains change when they are cooked and then cooled. They become excellent food for the good bacteria in your gut. As always, nothing is good for everyone, but I am all for one more reason to get that meal prepping done!

I pulled everything cooked from the fridge, so I just heated it in a skillet with some avocado oil. I had roasted the skin on chicken breast in the Ninja and I removed the skin and did a rough chop on it. I knew that I was going to put it into a few plates this week, so I only lightly steamed the broccoli when I prepped it ensuring that it wouldn’t be overcooked when I actually wanted to eat it and you already know about the sweet potato. Once the pan was hot, I started with the baked sweet potato because I wanted to get some color and a little crispness on it. Then I added the chicken breast, then the steamed broccoli. It only takes a few minutes to get everything up to a good temperature for me. I have never been one to use a microwave and heating things up on the stove is what I am used to, but you could also get this meal on the table super fast by using one.

Maybe it was TOO simple, though. It was really good, but I kind of wanted it to have a sauce when it was all said and done…I don’t usually get into making one, but maybe a lemon vinaigrette or a mustard sauce? I got some nice color on the sweet potatoes, though. I won’t be surprised if I make this next week, so I’ll keep that note in mind.

Sunny Side Up with Broccoli and Sweet Potato

I love having breakfast for dinner and eggs are my last minute dinner sidekicks. I roasted the sweet potato the other day, so this came together pretty fast. Plus, I got a tiny dose of resistant starch from cooking it and then letting it cool for at least 8 hours, but they really don’t take that long to bake. If you wanted to, you could start it from raw in the pan. Just be sure to adjust your heat and cook time accordingly.

Breakfast For Dinner, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 3, 2021

If I am turning the Ninja or the oven on anyway, sometimes I sneak in a little “meal prep in tiny steps” to get ahead on my list. Look how well that little sweet potato nestles in between the chicken breasts, each in their own silicone bread mold.

The unseen heroes of this dish are the 1.5tsp of avocado oil that I used in the pan and my cutting board that I use as a lid. The first teaspoon went in the pre heated pan for the cooked sweet potato and raw broccoli. I am a lover of broccoli all ways and I like it really crunchy, so cooking it this way works for me. You could roast it or use a microwaveable bag from the freezer. Once the broccoli was super bright green, I added another 1/2tsp for cooking the eggs. I covered it again for a few minutes so the eggs would steam a little. I was in the mood for pretty runny eggs today, but I get how some people think that’s yucky. I, personally, think the yolk is super delicious with the sweet potato, but to each their own. Cook to your liking, always! I just wish I got a little more color on the sweet potato, though….ah well, it’s a note for next time. 🙂

A crowded pan at the midway point, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 3, 2021

Roasted Veggie Plate

Ingredients: Broccoli, Brussel’s Sprouts, Sweet Potato, Walnuts, Goat Cheese, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Maldon Sea Salt


The time I really don’t feel like turning the stove or the oven on the most is after I get home from a summer run. It’s moments like this that make me so happy I prepped large quantities of yummy roasted veggies. Of course, if you love veggies as much as I do, this is a welcome plate pretty much any time of the day. Walnuts, extra virgin olive oil, and goat cheese deliver healthy fats and a tiny bit of protein with lots of carbs and fiber. The nutrition coach in me says that I should have added a couple of hard cooked eggs to bump the protein…I didn’t feel like it, so I’ll file that under “Notes For Next Time” and move on. The texture and flavor variation on this one made me super happy and, despite knowing better, purple Brussel’s sprouts just seem like they would be tastier, right? Brussel sprouts and broccoli can be, surprisingly, polarizing and I get that these particular veggies may not be your jam. I love all veggies (except green peppers) equally, so sub in what suits your tastes or try something new from your local farmer’s market!!

Post Roast