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Sunny Side Up with Broccoli and Sweet Potato

I love having breakfast for dinner and eggs are my last minute dinner sidekicks. I roasted the sweet potato the other day, so this came together pretty fast. Plus, I got a tiny dose of resistant starch from cooking it and then letting it cool for at least 8 hours, but they really don’t take that long to bake. If you wanted to, you could start it from raw in the pan. Just be sure to adjust your heat and cook time accordingly.

Breakfast For Dinner, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 3, 2021

If I am turning the Ninja or the oven on anyway, sometimes I sneak in a little “meal prep in tiny steps” to get ahead on my list. Look how well that little sweet potato nestles in between the chicken breasts, each in their own silicone bread mold.

The unseen heroes of this dish are the 1.5tsp of avocado oil that I used in the pan and my cutting board that I use as a lid. The first teaspoon went in the pre heated pan for the cooked sweet potato and raw broccoli. I am a lover of broccoli all ways and I like it really crunchy, so cooking it this way works for me. You could roast it or use a microwaveable bag from the freezer. Once the broccoli was super bright green, I added another 1/2tsp for cooking the eggs. I covered it again for a few minutes so the eggs would steam a little. I was in the mood for pretty runny eggs today, but I get how some people think that’s yucky. I, personally, think the yolk is super delicious with the sweet potato, but to each their own. Cook to your liking, always! I just wish I got a little more color on the sweet potato, though….ah well, it’s a note for next time. 🙂

A crowded pan at the midway point, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 3, 2021

Sunny Side Up!

Ingredients: Eggs, Acorn Squash, Broccoli, Grape Tomatoes, Goat Cheese, Acorn Squash Seeds, Kerrygold Butter, Sea Sat, Black Pepper, Olive Oil

There’s something beautiful about the messiness of this plate, something fun about the organized chaos of it.
A standard weeknight dinner, easy lunch, or weekend brunch, fried eggs are surrounded by a few roasted veggies. Versatility is the name of the game here, but remember that you want to try to vary the colors and textures of your ingredients. I use this as a “fridge clean out” ALL the time. It’s one of the quickest meals to get on the plate and no two are the same so I don’t get bored of it.
Today’s combination was leftover roasted broccoli, grape tomatoes, and acorn squash which, real talk, I find pretty bland…but that’s nothing a little goat cheese and olive oil can’t handle. I just heat everything up in skillet. The warmth of the veggies melts the goat cheese into the olive oil and everything gets a little tangy and a little creamy. Top the plate with roasted squash seeds for crunch and extra fiber.
To fry the eggs, I heat my 6” cast iron skillet over medium-low heat and add about a teaspoon of butter to coat the bottom of the pan. Not into butter, use avocado oil instead. I like my yolks pretty runny so I can dip some veggies, but you do you. Once the butter has melted, I crack in my eggs, season with salt and pepper, pop the lid on, and in just a few minutes, dinner (or whatever meal it might be) is served.