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Ushering In September

9 Weeks Until Dear Evan Hansen

The Town Line, Tideview Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 1, 2021

On The Beach:

Rise and Shine, 10th Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 3, 2021
Rise and Shine, 10th Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 30, 2021
Sky Art
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 31, 2021
Sky Art
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 4, 2021
Sunset Storms
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 2, 2021

In The Gardens:

Mammoth Sunflower, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 31, 2021
Bumblebee Tomatoes, San Marzano Tomatoes, Gatherer’s Gold Peppers
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 30, 2021
Gatherer’s Gold Peppers
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 5, 2021
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 30, 2021

On The Streets Where I Live:

Painted Rock, Tenth Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 3, 2021
Neighborhood Love, Beach Blvd
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 31, 2021
Stop And Smell, First Street
Neptune Beach, FL – September 1, 2021
Stop And Smell, Beach Ave
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 4, 2021
Reduce Reuse Recycle, First Street
Neptune Beach, FL – September 1, 2021

Creature Comforts:

Southeastern Five-Lined Skink
Jacksonville Arboretum
Jacksonville, FL – September 3, 2021

Parks and Recreation:

Howell Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 31, 2021
Tideview Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 1, 2021
Tideview Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 4, 2021
Jacksonville Arboretum
Jacksonville, FL – September 3, 2021
Fort Caroline
Jacksonville, FL – September 5, 2021
Public Art, Jack Russell Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 31, 2021

Codee Cam:

Codee Coolin Off, Atlantic Beach Dog Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 3, 2021
“Are you sure this is okay?” – Codee
Jack Russell Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 31, 2021
“Something doesn’t feel right here…” – Codee
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 31, 2021

On The Plates:

Beet, Lentil, and Chickpea Salad; Mary’s Gone Crackers Super Seed Classic Crackers; Nancy’s Cultured Cottage Cheese; Mixed Spring Greens
Yellow Bell Pepper, Grass Fed Cubed Steak, Coconut Milk Buckwheat, Parsley, Arugula, Blistered Grape Tomatoes
Raw Veggie Plate; Chicken, Cabbage, Egg Salad

Garmin Says:

Stay safe and moving, y’all!!

Garden Clean Up, Beach Wildlife, and Some Real Farmers

Day 27 of My 28 Day Refocus

Sky Art
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 28, 2021
Sky Art
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 28, 2021

Painted rocks are huge in my tiny town and lots of people get into the game of leaving them for people to find! They are hidden or randomly placed around the town to bring smiles, mantras, and creative tiny creatures. I find them everywhere and, this morning, these guys were hiding under the pier. I’m always the most impressed with the rocks from the artist who painted the elephant, but for some reason the duck, especially stashed under the pier during this dreary weather, really brightened up the morning. Thanks for the fun, #abrocks!

Even the ducks are hiding from the storm…
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 28, 2021
Painted Rocks
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 28, 2021

In The Gardens:

It’s time to start getting some plants in the ground over at the garden even though it’s still a bit early in the fall season. I am definitely going to run out of time before Dear Evan Hansen starts again, so I started to clean out the garden a bit. Typical me, I’m going to plant anyway because…well, why not? I considered not having a garden this season because I thought it might make it harder to leave, but I decided that I would rather make the most of my time off. Plus, it’s not like it could get any harder to leave…are you starting to sense that I am having mixed emotions about packing up?

Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 28, 2021
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 28, 2021
Mammoth Sunflowers, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 28, 2021

About The Town:

While I I live in Atlantic Beach, technically speaking, my little bubble includes Neptune and Jacksonville Beach as well. We’re all connected in a strange government consolidation that happened in 1968, yet each town still maintains their own municipal governments… Let’s not go down the politics road yet, though…There are so many things to love packed into the trifecta of towns we call “The Beaches”, especially if you are into cooking and great food. Goodness knows, with four farmers markets, a natural foods market, and an urban hydroponic farm in the area, I really don’t need to grow plants for the harvest…which leaves me more time for sunflowers. 🙂

Penman Park
Jacksonville Beach, FL – August 28, 2021
Hydroponic Farm and Market
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 28, 2021

Sweating It Out:

I fear that I might be getting a bit too comfortable kicking it at this pace, but I have increased my weekly mileage as I have decreased my speed. Plus, this feels right for right now and I think that’s what matters.

What I Watched:

Okay, this show came out last summer, but it is worth a revisit. You could blame it on my admiration for Reese Witherspoon, but this one is so much more that than. An incredible novel, Little Fires Everywhere, was made into an extraordinarily compelling, limited series on Hulu. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it.

On The Plates:

I haven’t made a big grain/legume salad in awhile, but I got out the big bowl this afternoon. Normally at the condo, I keep all of the components separate because I like to make something slightly different each time. This way, no one dish gets stale in the rotation, but during a conversation about meal convenience earlier this week, I was reminded that I am going to have to get back into my tour batch cooking ways soon. As a little practice, I put together some roasted beets, canned chickpeas, sprouted lentils, roasted zucchini, and some homemade pickled carrots and onions. I am also working my way through the jar of mayo that I made, so I whisked a little of that with some pickling juice to make something like a dressing for the whole thing. For supper, I put a couple of fried eggs on top of a big serving to bump that protein up.


Garmin Says:

Stay safe and moving, y’all!!