If You Run, You Are A Runner

I have an endless fascination with labels and how we, as humans, apply them. I hesitated to call myself a runner for the longest time. I always felt as though there was some threshold that I had to cross…a 10k, an 8 minute mile, a half marathon…like somehow I was a fraud until I could hit that mark just out of my reach. I was always worried that I wasn’t good enough or fast enough or talented enough; like the “real” runners would know all my short comings and they would secretly judge whether or not I was worthy of the moniker “runner”.

I wasn’t a runner when I was younger. As a kid, I was drawn to the music and the noise of my tap shoes…I fell in love with my dance studio. Like a lot of people, I didn’t get why you would EVER willingly run…just to…run. It wasn’t that I didn’t have activities or play sports as a kid. I grew up comfortably and I was given a lot of opportunities that involved running and some sort of ball, but I never connect to them. I remember “trying” to “Run The Mile” during the President’s Challenge in elementary school…does anyone else remember those days? Do they still do that in school? Anyway, I remember I couldn’t…

Once I got to middle school, I became pretty enamored with field hockey, but more the comradery, team spirit, and juxtaposition of the kilt with the stick than the running part…I played defense. Fast forward a gazillion years…

In November of 2018, I took part in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon in Downtown Los Angeles!! I signed up on a whim the week before the race to impress a guy. It’s probably the only reason I was able to do it. The short turn around didn’t leave me any time to chicken out!!! I had been “training” in my own way and I felt healthy and in good shape, so, for me, it was the best approach. The race part, that is!! The date part didn’t turn out as well, but hey, they can’t all be hits, right?

It was so much fun that I soon followed with the Flying Pig Half Marathon in Cinncinati in May. Word to the wise…Cincinnati is nicknamed “The City of Seven Hills”…I learned that during the race. Again, my last minute approach likely kept the Chicken at bay…I avoided hills like the plague when I first moved from my treadmill security blanket to the great outdoors. I finished that one, too. It was just a bit slower.

Once you start, it’s hard to look back…

Kansas City was my first with crappy weather…

San Diego was my first “Open Course”…

These days, running is one of my many outlets and my main form of exercise. There are so many benefits to it, but first and foremost, I’m a nicer person when I have a chance to out run the inner stress. It may seem a little arbitrary, but I have a weekly goal of twenty one miles. I chose it because twenty seemed too even and twenty two can seem too much of a stretch most weeks. Also, running was my drinking substitution when I first got sober. I like correlations that help keep my path in check. Twenty one is a number that still continues to challenge me, but not always physically. I have intentionally planned rest, of course, but my schedule or a viciously windy day/shit treadmill combo or a fun guest can make getting in a run challenging on any given day. I find that the flexibility of a weekly goal means that I can almost always succeed! With some planning and prioritizing, you’ll be surprised how much time you can find.

Running is the perfect way to see a city. Some times, I have a mission, like a grocery store stop, but mainly I am looking for joy. Five miles is my favorite distance because it’s just long enough to require a little mental persistance, but short enough that it doesn’t overwhelm my spirit even on a tired day… I still hate hills, but I love the challenge of them so I don’t turn away as often anymore. I am almost always rewarded with the view from the top and if I happen upon a half marathon in the city where my show is playing doesn’t t interfere with my real job, I’ll probably try it. You only live one life!!

I want to hear about the runs that you love in your hometown!! I love to run someone else’s favorite route or visit a neighborhood that’s great to see on foot. Stay tuned for some of my unrefined city highlights.

Now, put your shoes on and hit the pavement!! You’ll thank yourself for getting out there, no matter the label you wear. Stay healthy and spread LOVE!