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Challenge Wrap Up

Day 28 of 28

On The Streets Where I Live:

Color Pop, Sherry Drive
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 29, 2021
The Little Library Project, Ocean Grove Drive
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 29, 2021

Parks and Recreation:

Up and Down, Howell Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 29, 2021
Water water everywhere….Codee’s Dream Come True
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 29, 2021

In The Garden:

I am a little worried for the bitty San Marzano tomato seedlings I put in the garden today, but the oppressive tick of the clock has me throwing caution to the wind…literally. Fingers crossed, these little sprouts survive the end of summer heat. This section of the plot is shaded for a vast majority of the beginning of the day, so there is high hopes for them…That is, if the pests and afternoon storms don’t take them out first.

Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 29, 2021

On The Beach:

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 29, 2021

On The Plates:

To round out the 28 day gluten free, dairy free, no added sugar, real food challenge, I had some fried eggs on top of a lentil, beet, and chickpea salad with some greens from our local hydroponic farm, Atlantic Beach Urban Farms. Dinner was a quick cubed steak coconut wrap with some butternut squash, broccoli, grape tomatoes, and more of the yummy greens. So easy it reminds me of a song about Sunday mornings….

Simple Sunday meals are more normal for me than the big cooking projects that some people tackle over the weekend. On the road, Sunday is typically the longest and busiest day of the work week. My day begins at the theater at 9AM and usually doesn’t “end” until the show is completely packed back into the trucks which, depending on the venue, tends to be at around 4AM. I have gotten very good at bringing food for the duration of the “day”. While I still have a couple of months before I leave, the practice never hurts.


There is a camp of the nutrition and wellness community that agrees that counting calories is a ridiculous endeavor and certainly not a way to live long term. For the most part, I am inclined to agree with them, but like so many other nutrition and lifestyle choices, it’s complicated and highly individualized. My personal take is that it helps to know some of the science and policy facts before you start doing it…
For example, your microbiome and a slew of other factors like stress, sleep, and previous dieting experiences will impact the number of calories that you process and how you, personally, process them, ie. burn or store. While it’s true that you have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, calories in does not necessarily equal calories out. Even if the human body did act like a machine and not a complicated organism, nutrition labels can be as much as 20% inaccurate to begin with. When I look at it on paper, the reasons not to count calories far outweigh the reasons to count them.

So….Why Did I Post My Food Journals?

Here’s the complicated part…I still track AND I still encourage new clients to do it for at least a week. You have to have data to really know what works for you, your body, and your mindset. Tracking works for me, not necessarily because counting calories in an accurate science (it’s ABSOLUTELY not, in case that wasn’t clear), but because it forces me to be accountable for my decisions. I am more intentional about choosing to eat the right thing for my body, for the right reason.
It also allows me to look for patterns in how I feel versus what I consume. Tracking urges me to be super honest about it all. My food diaries are not about judgement and “good” foods versus “bad” foods, but rather, a way to gather data. Thanks for helping to keep me accountable during my four week challenge.

Garmin Says:

What a great way to wrap it up!!

Stay safe and moving, y’all!

Codee Close Ups, A Little Sky Art, and Good Sticker Advice

Day 22 of 28 Day Refocus

Sky Art
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021

Parks and Recreation:

“We’re going around again?!?” – Codee
Atlantic Beach Dog Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021

After the morning on the beach, a little nap (not for me), and lunch (also not for me), I decided to swing past the dog park. While Codee was doing those other things, I was typing so I was looking for an excuse to get out as much as he was. We like the dog park when it’s empty, especially while Codee is still on prednisone, and today we lucked out. Another silver lining to practice retirement (what I sometimes call my pandemic experience) is that we can go at random time during the day, so we typically luck out a couple of times a week and find the park vacant. The town just completed a renovation of the park where they installed a rubber track, filled in large holes and replaced all the grass. It’s better than ever.

“Is this a food thing?” – Codee
Atlantic Beach Dog Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021

On The Streets Where I Live:

Neighborhood Car, 6th Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021
Neighborhood Car, Ocean Blvd
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021

Sweating It Out:

Mondays are my weekly cardio rest day, but I did a little resistance work to keep the tide moving. It’s not that I don’t like a complete rest day, but it’s more important for me to gain momentum this month. A body at rest and all that…Plus, I started really small and I’m feeling good.

On The Plates:

I finally made it through the bag of chia seeds that I had in the freezer, so I have moved on to having flax seed meal in my brunch green drink. They certainly aren’t interchangeable all the time, but for my purposes (healthy fats including Omega 3s and fiber), they are and I am in the process of actively trying to empty my freezers. Yes, plural…I am going to remodel my kitchen and situating freezer placement is definitely a part of that. Anyway, because this is already ground flax meal, nothing about the blending process changes. The drink has a slighting different taste, but I’m into it.
Dinner and dessert were kind of a combo meal because that’s how the evening worked out. I love love love fruit and sometimes, I over buy it and sometimes, I definitely over eat it, but I used to drink my sugar in whiskey form, so I’m heading on a positive trajectory. The point is that I made a little (not really) fruit salad because it sounded yummy and I had a few pieces of ripe fruit. Then, I had some…and some more…and then I realized that I should go ahead and add some protein since it seemed I was going to have fruit for dinner. Because I was in the process of prepping chicken for the week, it was easy to add a serving of baked chicken as side to my fruit salad. Is now a good time to remind you that I am 100% NOT recommending that anyone eat how I eat?? I think it is.

The plated meal today was so delicious that it’s definitely going to top the weekly rotation for quick dinners. These are little packets of grass fed beef, cubed steak with a touch of mayo wrapped in a turmeric coconut wrap. I picked some greens from the balcony to put under a few matchsticked rainbow carrots and some grape tomatoes for color, crunch, and all that other veggie goodness. I choose to use my fat portions in the wrap so I skipped the olive oil, but I definitely seasoned all the veggies. Don’t skip that part.


Garmin Says:

In terms of my overall challenge goals, not hitting the step goal one day per week doesn’t constitute a huge failure in my book. I didn’t want to adjust the goal because in two months, I am not going to have much of a choice. Better to keep aiming for it, right, but I have to admit that I really didn’t focus on it. I was completely solid on every other goal, so maybe I needed a rule that was meant to be broken. I think I picked the perfect one. 🙂

Stay safe and moving, y’all!