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Guarding The Line, Artificial Sunshine, and Miss Swift

Day 25 of My 28 Day Refocus

Keeping Guard at Town Center
Atlantic Beach/Neptune Beach, FL – August 26, 2021

There were some rough seas this morning and not many people were braving the water, but our lifeguards were looking out just the same. Remarkably enough, I have not braved the water above my knees this summer, but I come to the beach almost everyday and it’s one of the places that I will miss the most when my time off comes to an end. I just keep reminding myself that I bought my condo and that it will all be here waiting….fingers crossed, of course.

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 26, 2021

In The Gardens:

Team Beautification, Beach Blvd
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 26, 2021
Dreary Day Sunshine, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 26, 2021

Back To The Beach:

Atlantic Beach FL – August 26, 2021

There was a break in the storms that made for a beautiful evening stroll and a little “bird” watching. I know it sounds a little like something an 8 year old boy would say, but I think that helicopters are so cool. We get a fair amount of air traffic over our beach because there is a Navy base 3.5 miles up from my place.

Atlantic Beach FL – August 26, 2021
Atlantic Beach FL – August 26, 2021

Sweating It Out:

I had pretty mixed emotions about my cardio goal when I first set it. First, I thought it was too easy. Then, I was concerned that it was going to be too hard, but I think I hit it right on. The freedom of pace makes it not an overwhelming daily task and I think that I have found an awesome rhythm this week. I used to be so concerned with pace and distance. Right now, I am concerned with consistency, fun, and a feeling of accomplishment. Plus, it’s a truly great way to spend a rainy hour.

What I Watched:

I wouldn’t say that I am a fan of her music, mostly, because, well…I just never really listened to it. BUT….I am a big fan of hers. What is there not to love about a business woman, positive role model, and artist. I really enjoyed watching some of the story of her rise in the industry. I hate how right she can be about the perceived length of time that the American public will tolerate a woman being successful, but I hope that she sticks around for a few more decades. It turns out, she’s also a great storyteller.

On The Plates:

I don’t think that I have had this green drink consistency before. I am thinking about mixing it up once tour starts again and trying Athletic Greens. I don’t usually consume things with stevia because I have read some conflicting reports…surprise, surprise, right?…But convenience might win out a bit more on this upcoming tour. Drop me a line if you are an Athletic Greens supporter. I would love to hear your opinion of the product. Goodness knows that I hear all my favorite podcast hosts rave about it. Anyway, for the first food food meal of the day, I had chicken breast with roasted cauliflower, eggplant, and grape tomatoes. I also had a few extra herby bits kicking around, so there is a bit of basil and parsley in there as well.

See? Sometimes, I want to shout, “I eat things out of a package!!” 🙂 I’m just kidding, but it does happen. It’s a complicated food system out there, but I do think that a few companies are really trying to put out quality products. I really like the Applegate Organics Chicken and Apple Sausage. The chickens are raised in a certified humane way and the majority of the ingredients are organic which is about as good as it gets, barring knowing the farmer, of course. Plus, they are fully cooked and tasty. Tonight, I had one sliced into some coconut milk buckwheat and green beans. Less than 15 minutes to the bowl!

Okay, I’m going to keep working on it, but I have always had a difficult time getting these to photograph as delightfully as they taste. I pretty much end every night with a version of one, though, so…there you have it. I’m trying to get into this single ingredient pea protein that I bought and, it turns out that blending it with banana, strawberries, coconut milk, and basil helped me not care that it’s a little grainy.
Like so many, I might be a little addicted to sugar…😉 and, like so many things in life, my recovery from it is a long and bumpy process. I like the way the addiction manifests itself in this phase, though and, historically, I have had very few regrets from indulging in natural sugars in whole fruit form. I can guarantee that my blood sugar wasn’t into the Jameson or the ice cream phase of my life, so progress, not perfection, right?


Garmin Says:

Stay safe and moving, y’all!

Coconut Curry Shrimp over Arugula and Coconut Buckwheat

Ingredients: Shrimp, Yellow Onion, Green Beans, Carrot, Mushrooms, Red Bell Pepper, Serrano Pepper, Coconut Curry Sauce (coconut milk, cashews, garlic, curry powder, ground ginger, red pepper flakes, sea salt)
For Serving: Arugula, Coconut Buckwheat

I made a recipe that I found on Dr. Mark Hyman’s blog,, but I used the veggies that I had on hand in my fridge. Apparently, the recipe is actually from a book titled, Always Hungry written by Dr. David Ludwig. I love how recipes do that, don’t you? Travel from person to person and everyone has a chance to make it there own. I didn’t have any cabbage, snow peas, or spinach, so I threw in some mushrooms, green beans, and arugula. Not because I think that mushrooms are a good substitution for cabbage, but because, in this recipe, they aren’t a BAD substitution. Besides, they were on there way to becoming fridge dried mushrooms, so they went in the pot.

It sounds like a lot of coconut, but it’s really not a crazy, over powering flavor, I promise. It does make this dish super creamy and delicious, though. It’s fat on top of fat because you get a lot of healthy fat from the cashews that help make the sauce, as well.

Besides being a ranking contender as a “veggie drawer clean out” dish, I also had some pretty good success freezing two portions of this dish. Meal prepping seafood can be tricky for a single lady because I don’t really like to keep it in the fridge for longer then a day. Next time I make it, I might try prepping the sauce as a separate component. Shrimp is so awesome because you can keep a bag in the freezer and just pull out what you like. Living in Atlantic Beach, FL, I have the luxury of very easy access to amazing locally caught, reasonably priced shrimp. Don’t like shrimp or it’s out of budget right now? Sub chicken, tofu, or just double down on the veggies. You can serve it over quinoa for a plant based protein boost.

Neither one of these doctors are into grains so much, but right or wrong, I love my carbs. I served it with a some buckwheat that I had soaked overnight. Then, after rinsing, I cook it in coconut milk. Never one to miss out on greens, I mixed everything in with my favorite spicy arugula and let the sauce become like a dressing for the greens. This was so delicious!!