Eggs, Spinach, and a Chickpea Squash Pancake

I love my eggs for dinner. My 6” cast iron pan fits two large eggs really snuggly and I found a lid that fit the pan just as well. Tonight, I served them over a chickpea and spaghetti squash pancake with sautéed spinach and garlic. I kind of made Chris Morocco’s chickpea pancakes, but instead of just water, I used the same amount of tremendously overcooked spaghetti squash plus an additional 1/4 cup to ensure enough liquid. It added a bit of sweetness and some bonus nutrients…assuming I didn’t cook them all away. 🙂 I also don’t add the oil to the batter like he called for, but I used a tablespoon of avocado oil in the pan, so I definitely got it in the dish.

I mixed a 3/4 cup of overcooked spaghetti squash and 1/2 cup of sprouted chickpea flour with a heavy pinch of sea salt and black pepper. The key is to let it sit for at least an hour in the fridge so that the flour has a chance to absorb the liquid and fully hydrate after it’s combined. After it rested, I cooked the batter in my carbon steel skillet in a tablespoon of avocado oil, but I like to portion it into a small bowl so I can use a brush. I end up having more control of how much oil is used when and where. For instance, I like to brush another layer on before I land the pancake from a flip and, of course, in the pan with the eggs, so I want to make sure that I reserve some. It browned really nicely over medium heat. Some of that might be from the sugar in th squash. These bad boys REALLY like to stick so get a good base of oil or a non-stick and a thin, flexible spatula.

I wilted the spinach in the still hot pan and once it cooked down to a manageable amount, I used a micro planer to grate a clove of garlic into the pan. I let it cook for a bit to get some of the moisture out of the spinach and to make sure that the garlic wasn’t raw. I had just a bit of spaghetti squash leftover and a nice piece of garlic that I didn’t grate and they were perfect together. It’s a weird thing that I do, but I like the bite of a little raw garlic… you might want a nice bit of grass fed butter and maybe a dash of hot sauce instead.