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A Beach Walk, A Basic Bowl, and Tiny Cukes

Day 21 of 28 Day Refocus

A Salon Window, Atlantic Plaza
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 22, 2021

We went to get Codee’s nails trimmed this morning and I am very grateful that I had this moment of peace before we went in. He wasn’t aggressive, but it didn’t go well. Wanting to keep my inner calm, I abandoned the project before the tide could turn ugly. No dog likes the process, but Codee seems to have a threshold for the number of times that he will allow the groomer to pick his foot up and put it back down. Let’s just say this poor young lady was not terribly efficient and he began to struggle against the whole thing. So, I bailed and vowed to include more pavement in our evening walks until we see the vet again.

On The Beach:

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 22, 2021

We made are way back through the neighborhood, but we started the evening stroll on the beach. He definitely doesn’t look like he’s getting any smaller, but I’m going to get him on a scale this week to see what that says. We’re at the end of Week 3, but I am absolutely not as strict with his new meal program as I am with mine. Sounds like it should be a new goal for the new week, huh?

10th Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 22, 2021
The Cloisters Pier
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 22, 2021

In The Garden:

Homemade Pickling Cucumbers, The Balcony Garden
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 22, 2021

I have a handful of different plants growing on the ground level of the Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden and it looks like my pickling cucumbers are enjoying hanging around the table. This is another plant that I dig growing because of its cute little flowers. I also have some celery, a honey nut squash plant, a few arugula, a couple of Cuban oregano plants from my friend Katie, a handful of carrots, a cabbage, and a few tomato plants. As I have said before…it’s not like I am having any visitors so I may as well grow some plants, right?.

Homemade Pickling Cucumbers, The Balcony Garden
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 22, 2021

Ending the week on the treadmill, but I’m really happy with my consistency this week. Things are starting to feel easier and more like they used to…
I will, likely, carry this cardio goal into next week because it’s been working really well for me. I’ll keep Monday as a rest day, but then I am aiming for 5 miles a day at any speed over a 15 minute mile or 4.0mph. They end up being a combination of kind of a power walk/trot and a jog.

I haven’t cried watching a movie in ages, but this one did it. Luckily, I was done on the treadmill at that point because it really got me. It is an exceptional film and a fun one to run to because I got lost in the music of the story.

On The Plates:

I am disappointed, but not at all embarrassed to tell you that it was a terribly basic day around here. I spent some time in the kitchen prepping for the coming week, so everything that I ate was what was left from last week. I’m pretty good about not wasting what I buy and, sometimes, that means supper is planned for me by the fridge. I don’t think that I have mentioned my love of broccoli yet, but luckily, it’s a real thing. I know, I’m unique, but I had some chicken and a, frankly, a LOT of broccoli that needed eating today and, it turns out, that’s an ideal meal for me to munch on while I cook. MY green drink, a blended plum frozen banana jar with some cashews and pea protein made a delightful dinner/dessert combo. An ordinary, but productive and nutrient dense day.


Garmin Says:

A good way to button up Week 3 of the challenge.

On to the final week of the challenge! Stay safe and moving, y’all!

Riverside Arts Market, Fallen Sunflowers, and A Blue Moon Over The Ocean

Day 20 of 28 Day Refocus

Riverside Arts Market
Jacksonville, FL – February 20, 2021

Saturdays are farmers market days, or is it “farmer’s market?”…either way, this week, I went to the Riverside Arts Market before heading to the Dig Local Market in Jax Beach. I like some of the produce farmers at the Riverside Market and it’s great crowd training for Codee. We typically cruise through all of the lanes before heading to the veggies. We came home with an eggplant, a small butternut quash, a small spaghetti squash, and a few zucchini. Like most outings, we aren’t there for terribly long and I try not to get too close to people, but it’s nice to hear some live music. If you can believe it, there was a gentleman playing a Kenny G. song on his saxophone this week. I was glad a had some tip money.

Riverside Arts Market
Jacksonville, FL – August 21, 2021

In The Gardens:

Another sunflower has fallen, or rather, was pushed over by me before it could fall over on its own. It’s hard to believe that two months of joyful entertainment could come from a handle of small seeds and a little patience.

Mammoth Sunflowers, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 21, 2021
How The Mammoth Have Fallen, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 21, 2021

On The Beach:

It disappeared behind the clouds shortly after I took the last shot, but it was a clear enough evening to have a beautiful view of the Blue Moon rising.

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 21, 2021
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 21, 2021
Blue Moon Rising
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 21, 2021
Blue Moon Rising
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 21, 2021

Sweating It Out:

What I Watched:

I got my baking fix in TV form today with Christina Tossi’s Netflix series Bake Squad. The special guests rarely choose the entry that I would pick if the Bake Squad was baking for my party, but all of their desserts are so creative that I certainly wouldn’t turn any of them down.

On The Plates:

Some things aren’t exceptional photography subjects, but are so yummy and so fast that I don’t care. I had my standard green drink as my first small meal of the day and I continued with two ridiculously fast and simple plates. The carrots and tomatoes were raw when I started, but the chicken and the broccoli were cooked and standing by in the fridge. I cooked the carrots for a bit solo and then added the rest to reheat and bring it together. For dinner, I had a Chickapea spiral bowl with mushrooms and green beans that I sautéed while the noodles were cooking. Dessert was a favorite combo of fresh blueberries and raw cashew pieces. I could have used a handful or two of greens somewhere, but an otherwise excellent day….


Garmin Says:

An all around solid day. I like that 20,000 is fairly consistently normal again. My treadmill desk helps.

Saturday Night Snoozing, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 21, 2021

Stay safe and moving, y’all!

A Repurposed Foot Wash, Tiny Peppers, and A Run Through Dutton Island Preserve

Day 18 of 28 Day Refocus

A Crystal Clear Morning, 7th Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021

We had a great walk through the neighborhood to the beach this morning and Codee was super excited about pretty much all of it, especially whatever he found in the sand under the pier.

7th Street Public Beach Shower
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021
Under The Pier, The Cloisters
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021
Neighborhood Love, 10th Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021

Parks and Recreation:

Dutton Island Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021

I took a run out to Dutton Island in the early evening. It’s one of my favorite routes, but for whatever reason, Codee doesn’t ever want to walk the trail, so I thought it would be ideal to head out there solo. It was the perfect time of day for it, too. Of course, the mosquitoes agreed, so I was definitely motivated to keep the snapshots short and move along.

Dutton Island Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021
Dutton Island Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021

Sweating It Out:

A little warm, but I loved it. I stopped a bunch to take photos and then to water the plants at the garden on the way back home. I almost always wear my Camelback vest and today I was especially grateful for it.
I broke the resistance moves into two teeny tiny circuits today, one in the morning and one before bed.

Podcast of The Day:

Okay, obviously this podcast is a little heavy, but I can get into that every so often. This episode, in particular, was really personal for me for a lot of reasons. I love the conversation about the different faces of quitting…some things you quit because they are simply hard and some things you quit because they don’t serve you, yet we use the same word for both regardless if the outcome is positive or negative.

On The Plates:

After the standard brunch green drink, the meals accidentally resembled each other in palette and palate and a lot of that can be blamed on how deliciously ripe the pint of sun gold cherry tomatoes that I bought are. I can’t believe that I was able to restrain myself from eating the entire pint today, but I actually had to eat these ones because they likely won’t make it to tomorrow. I don’t put my tomatoes in the fridge, so when they are super ripe, there really isn’t any time to waste. These are like candy, so I didn’t want to wait. Okay, moving on.
For supper, I had the sun golds along with salmon salad, Mary’s Gone Crackers Classic Seed Crackers, sugar snap peas, and arugula. Dinner was with baked chicken breast, Chickapea Linguine (it’s a brand, not a typo), cauliflower, green beans, and extra virgin olive oil.


That’s what I call right on the razor’s edge of not meeting the goal…I am trying to stay under 1500 calories five days of the week and 1700 for the other two days. I squeaked in right under the wire, but it was a super yummy day. Those tomatoes….

Garmin Says:

Bumping my pace really kicked that calorie number up. Plus, it was really fun to run in the woods. 🙂

Roasted Chicken, Chickpea Spirals, Broccoli and Extra Virgin Olive Oil

So simple. So yummy. I find that the key really is to season my food properly, but I am a veggie lover all the way, so they don’t need much for me. The chicken adds even more fantastically filling protein and tasty fat. I had a skinless chicken breast already roasted in the fridge, but this would be a great meal for a rotisserie chicken or really any leftovers. If you are starting from scratch, I roast chicken breasts, that I usually season the night before with salt and pepper, in the Ninja at Bake/400 degrees for about 15 minutes. Cooking time will, obviously, depend on the thickness, but I take the internal temp to 165 degrees and then let them rest for at least 10 minutes before I slice them…or whatever it is I might be doing with them.


As always, substitute in your favorite products, but I have taken gluten, dairy, and added sugar out of my diet for a month. Even when I am not restricting gluten, it turns out that I enjoy a lot of the “pasta” products that have come out recently. It’s not because I think that pasta is “bad” or I shouldn’t eat it, but because I love the extra bang for my buck that I get in the protein department with some of them. A word of caution for any beginners…I have given many a lecture about pasta replacements that go something like this, “Please, accept this food for what it is. You will be disappointed if you think that what you are about to eat is comparable to semolina pasta, but you may decide you really like it if you let it stand alone.” Now that I have gotten that noodley bit caveat out of the way….
My favorite of the bunch on the market these days are the Chickapea brand products. I love all of their shapes and the noodles cook really fast, which means that I can still reap all the time saving benefits of a box of pasta. You also get all the other benefits. They are reasonably priced, shelf stable, and they have a little selection of shapes to keep it interesting. They are a huge part of my rotation these days. 🙂

Chickpea Shells with Italian Sausage

Jack Russell Park, Beaches Green Market
Atlantic Beach, FL – June 9, 2020

One of the many pandemic related silver linings in my world is the ability to stay in one place for a bit giving me a chance to meet some amazing farmers and food purveyors around the area. There are so many grocery stores in the area, but we also have several farmer’s markets throughout the week. My markets have had some turn over in the vegetable farmer department over the last few months, but oddly enough, I go for the meat. For all of the chicken, turkey, and pork that I eat, I turn to Kim at Lola Farms. Her products are exceptional and the flavor in the Italian sausage that they make is fantastic. They are located in Lake Butler, FL and she pasture raises heritage pork and chickens and Codee loves her….and her food. Not only do studies show a higher nutritional value in meat that comes from animals that are humanely and properly raised, they are also SO SO SO much more delicious. Kim has done all of the work for me when it comes to this meal. There as many great options out there for getting great quality, sustainable protein, but this one is my favorite by far.

Alvarez Farms Produce, Beaches Green Market
Atlantic Beach, FL – June 9, 2020

I started with half a pound of Lola Farms Italian Pork Sausage that I browned in a skillet over medium high heat. Once it had some color on it, I moved it to a small bowl and then I sautéed half of a sliced white onion and a sliced orange pepper in the fat that was left in the pan. I let it cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions were soft and had a little color and the peppers were really tender, but not noodley. While that was happening, I cooked the chickpea shells in really well salted water for 7 minutes. When I drained it, I reserved a little of the cooking water even though it’s not really pasta. (Please don’t try to make it be semolina pasta. Let it be its own thing.) I returned the shells to the pot, added the cooked sausage, arugula, EVOO, salt, pepper, and the lid. The heat of the pan and the shells wilted the arugula perfectly while I finished the veggies. To the skillet, I added 2TBSP tomato paste and cooked it for a minute before deglazing the pan with some of the cooking water. Once everything was mixed together, I added the veggies to the pot and stirred everything together on the still warm burner. I left the lid to the on the counter and then I tasted it and the lid went in the dishwasher and everything went on the plate. The no-secret secret to this dish is the sausage. 🙂

I really like the products that Chickapea has. Like I alluded to earlier, this is not something that I would consider as a replacement for semolina pasta. When it comes to foods that have such a huge cultural and emotional connection, I don’t see the point in trying to fill those shoes, so to speak. If you are a pasta lover, and you think this is going to live up to those lofty ideals, you will be disappointed, but as a stand alone ingredient, I have really gotten into a few of the different brands and bean combinations. I love my carbs, of course…I just need a little more protein along with them these days.

Eat the rainbow, y’all!

Morning Beach Views, Timucuan Ecological Preserve, and A Cronometer Explanation

Day 8 of 28 Day Refocus

Sea Oat Summer Views
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 9, 2021
A Quiet Morning
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 9, 2021

After a quick trip to check that everything was okay on the ocean side, I took us up to one of the National Parks that is close by. Timucuan Ecological and Historical Preserve has a handful of trail options and includes Fort Caroline, Spanish Pond, and the Theodore Roosevelt area. You can get everything from river to woods to salt marsh, plus the only real elevation change that I have seen in the state. We didn’t get that far today, though. Something freaked Codee out and it was too buggy to try to convince him that something wasn’t going to come out of the forest to get him. He braved it for half a mile and then we retreated. The silver lining is that he kind of quickly trots back to the car once he gets his way, so he gets a little exercise on the return.

Spanish Pond Trail, Ticumuan Ecological and Historical Preserve
Jacksonville, FL – August 9, 2021
Spanish Pond Trail Map, Ticumuan Ecological and Historical Preserve
Jacksonville, FL – August 9, 2021
Relentless Palm, Spanish Pond
Jacksonville, FL – August 9, 2021

In The Gardens:

I think it might be chard for dinner tomorrow. These probably don’t have enough soil to get much bigger, plus, if I wait any longer, I am afraid that I will lose them to pests, sun, or wind. I love the different color stalks, though, and at this size, I bet I can almost cook both the stem and the leaves together. I might have time for one more round of Guitar Greens before we take off. I was trying to decide what to do with the case when I leave…likely it’s given its all, but we’ll see when I empty it.

Guitar Case Greens, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 9, 2021
The Violated Pepper Plant, Dig Local Community Gardens, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 9, 2021
Simple Smiles, Dig Local Community Gardens, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 9, 2021

On The Streets Where I Live:

The BEST Type of Water Fountain, Bull Memorial Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 9, 2021

Sweating It Out:

I took a rest from any cardio today, but I started the week off with a continuation of my mini arm workouts.

On The Plates:

I had my standard Green Drink at 2PM, but then I wasn’t really hungry until dinner. And then I made this dish…what was meant to be two portions became one and I feasted. I really didn’t plan it this way and I need to work on my portion control worst of all. Now that I got that admission out of the way…this way SO yummy.


Let’s talk rest calories as they relate to Cronometer. Your “Calories Consumed” is obvious…whatever I have entered for the day. Most entries come from their really widespread database, but I can also add custom foods and build recipes if I have items that aren’t already listed. The middle one, “Calories Burned” uses some data that I give it in my profile and a formula to calculate my daily resting metabolic rate…mine is 1242 calories. Think of that as my account balance for the day. I can add calories by adding workouts manually if my Garmin isn’t working for whatever reason or syncing it. This way, it’s slightly…that’s a big key word here…more accurate because my Garmin tracks my heart rate which is related to the entire equation. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m not sure what algorithm magic goes on, but the two apps never end the day with the same calories burned, so take it all with a grain of salt. Tracking is really great for me, though, because it focuses my attention even if my body doesn’t always follow formulas. There is also an option to add the “Thermic Effect of Food” which is the calorie cost of my body digesting whatever I ate: protein costs a bit more than fat or carbs, whole foods a bit more than processed. I don’t include that one though, but it is a real thing, obviously. Instead, I think of it like the round up savings account that I have. You don’t have to worry about it, but over time, it adds up.
Moving on, they give my remaining balance for the day based on how much weight I want to lose a week. One pound equals a calorie deficit of 3500 calories, so at a pound a week, I need to spend 498 calories more than I consume, which means that, in the app, I begin each day with 743 calories. As you can see, today, I was over my limit by 169 calories and that’s because I am not really interested in eating less than 1200 calories a day and today was a really chill day. In general, I try to keep to what the apps tell me, but I am in charge, not them, so if I am still hungry and I am under 1500 calories five days a week and under 1700 calories the remaining two days, I am going to ignore Circle #3 telling me that I am “over”. I’m going to see how that plays out over the course of the next few weeks and I will adjust that goal if necessary. That’s enough talking for about that, for now.

Yup…looks like a 92 degree rest day. I will say that I am a bit disappointed that I missed the daily step goal, but I came relatively close, so I’ll be a little more mindful of that next week. (Remember: I could have used the treadmill for a bit even if I didn’t want to be outside.)

Stay safe and moving, y’all!

“Cheesy” Chickpea Linguine with Cauliflower, Arugula, and Mushrooms

Endless variations, tons of plant based protein…I’m a big fan of the Chickapea brand of alternative pasta. The ingredients are chickpea flour, red lentil flour, and yellow lentil flour. Flours in general are highly processed but these pay the tax with extra protein. 23g and 220 calories per 2 ounce serving. The “pasta” cooks in 7 minutes and I heat up whatever veggies I want to cook in the very salted cooking water for the last couple of minutes. Sometimes, it’s green beans or peas, but tonight, it was just the cauliflower. I don’t put the greens or mushrooms in at the same time because they would get slimy, so they go in at the end. I put a small bowl underneath the strainer to catch some of the cooking water when I drain the pot, but everything in the strainer goes immediately back into the pan. I don’t rinse or shake the excess water out because I am going to use that as well.

From there, I added whatever ingredients didn’t want a bath. In this case, it was the mushrooms, arugula, nutritional yeast, and EVOO. They all went into the pan with the noodles and the cauliflower. I turned the burner to low and returned the pan to the heat. After I mixed everything together, I added as much of the reserved cooking water as I needed, probably 1/4 cup, to loosen everything up and make it kind of saucy. Mac and cheese it is not, but it is not trying to be that. It is, however, in my opinion, a yummy and filling meal that I am recently obsessed with.

Gatherer’s Gold Sweet Peppers, A Summer Garden of Guitar Greens, and A Great Start

Day 1 of 28 Day Refocus

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 2, 2021

It wasn’t much cooler than it was this weekend, but Codee actually ventured for a bit of a walk in the neighborhood before we headed to the beach. I might regret this comment if full on puppy suddenly comes back, but it’s really nice to see his energy level return. Fingers crossed that he doesn’t lose any mobility because I really don’t want to revert to the old dose of prednisone. This morning, he even started playing with one of his buddies again. It was such a beautiful morning so Codee played and hunted for snacks while I chatted with a neighbor. There is a pier not far from my beach access that offers some shade and that has become more and more important for both of us as August sets in.

In The Garden:

Gatherer’s Gold Sweet Pepper, Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 2, 2021

There aren’t many plants left in the garden these days because of the tropical storm that we had, not to mention the heat. A few peppers, the carrot patch, and a lacinato are hanging on despite it all, though. I ate this one with some hard cooked eggs after my walk. I’m not sure that it was entirely ripe, but it was super sweet! There are two more on the plant that I am hoping to have next week if all goes well. One never knows in the garden….

Guitar Case Greens, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 2, 2021

But the balcony is rocking! (pun intended) The guitar case greens are filling in nicely, my potted pepper plant is flowering, and I have a bunch of seedlings starting to come up for the fall season. I know it seems crazy to plant since I am leaving. I love to garden so much though and I don’t lose anything by doing it…whether I harvest anything or not. I just can’t find a downside and I got really, really sad when I started to think about not putting another round of seeds in the soil. Besides, I think I might actually have some success this season, so I’m going for it.

Podcast of The Day:

I’m not a huge sci fi and action fan so forgive me. After looking at his IMDB, I can confirm that I have not seen a single one of his movies even though clearly, he is a tremendously prolific producer. I love listening to episodes that introduce me to new people and I thought he was a great guest. His comment about the difference between “seeing” a movie and “experiencing” a movie made me remember the feeling of community that accompanies shared moments of storytelling. As for the three boys, I feel like I write “I laughed out loud” after every episode… because I do. 🙂

Sweating it out:

My fitness goal this week is to get in 5 miles a day of purposeful exercise and I got the week off to a good start. I decided it doesn’t matter if it’s running or walking…TMI, I have a callous on the bottom of my foot that is really jacking things up, but since I know it’s not an injury, I am powering through and trying to get it under control. This is one of those circumstances where something is better than nothing and building the practice is what really matters this week and next. Anywho…..leery of going in too hard, too fast in the beginning, I am easing back into full time running. That means leaving Codee at home. He just doesn’t have the energy back, yet. Also, it’s really important that he gets used to me coming and going throughout the day, so in a way, he really is training while I am. Good news is that he is super comfortable here at the condo, so typically, he just ends up on the bed snoozing.
I’m also going to do this super quick arm program on Monday (check), Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. There will likely be a lot that is different when the tour starts back up again, but I am willingly to bet the condo that actor trunks won’t be getting any lighter. Time to start lifting again.

On the plates:

The meal that I am going to call Brunch was my Green Drink, two Dash eggs, and the pepper from the garden. Dash eggs are simply steamed in the Dash egg cooker that I love, but I am such a fan that I like to market for them. Also, here are the before VitaMix and after VitaMix photos of the Green Drink…weirdly appealing to me after all this time.

Because I am doing time restricted eating for the first few weeks, meaning that I am going to consume calories during a specific time frame, in my case 2PM until 10PM, the meal names feel a little weird, but after Brunch is, what I was referring to as Tea. Not because it draws any relation to anything even remotely related to tea, the service or the drink, but because I didn’t love calling it Supper. I will now though because it happens around 6PM. So, for Supper, I had Roasted Chicken Thighs, Baked Sweet Potato, and Sugar Snap Peas.

Lola Farms Chicken Thighs, Baked Sweet Potato, Snap Peas

Dinner, which I eat some time between 8:30PM and 9PM, was a variation of the recent Go To meal in my kitchen…Chickapea Linguine, Roasted Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Arugula, Nutritional Yeast, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. At the end of the day, I like something sweet, so today I had an apple. I am Fuji apple fan, but every once in awhile I branch out, but that’s the variety that I keep stocked right now.

Chickpea Linguine, Roasted Cauliflower, Arugula, Mushrooms, Nutritional Yeast, Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Garmin Says:

Off to a fantastic start! The step goal is set at 15,000, but I am really looking to break 20,000 daily. Now, to keep it up for a month…

118 Days Until Load In…Stay safe and moving, y’all!

Beefy Greens & Chickpea Shells

Ingredients: Chickpea/Lentil Pasta Shells, Ground Beef, Rainbow Chard, Roasted Bell Peppers, Roasted Purple Onion, Saucy Saturday’s Roasted Pepper Sauce (roasted grape tomatoes, roasted orange pepper, sweet onion, garlic, parsley, basil, coconut oil, sea salt, pepper).

I had most of the components of this dish already ready to go. It took under 15 minutes to get all the bits together and the pasta cooked. The package directions stated 7-9 minutes, but with only one serving, they were a little overcooked at 7. I would check them at 5, if you aren’t making the entire box. The sauce was leftover in the fridge next to the roasted veggies and the sautéed/portioned ground beef that I prepped the day before. The chard was from the freezer, but…I forgot I was going to need some greens….so I used the heat of the pot lid while the pasta was cooking to defrost it just enough to get it out of the Ziploc (I’m working on getting them out of my life) and break it up. Once the pasta was cooked, I killed the heat on the stove, drained the pasta from the pot and then added everything back into the same pot. I put the whole thing back on the still warm, but off burner, took my quick post run shower and when I returned everything had come to a pretty even warm temp. I turned the heat back on for a minute because I am still luxuriating in hot meals and two minutes later…voila! a super quick and easy dinner.