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Never Forget

8 Weeks Until Dear Evan Hansen

Town Line
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 1, 2021

On The Beach:

Tenth Street Walk Out
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 6, 2021
Sand Art
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 6, 2021
Choppy Waves
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 8, 2021
King Tide Season Begins
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 9, 2021
It’s A Hell Of A Day At Sea, Sir
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 9, 2021
Passing Storms
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 10, 2021
Pink Skies At Night
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 10, 2021
Bloom Where You’re Planted, Tenth Street Walkout
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 12, 2021

In The Gardens:

Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 7, 2021
Honey Nut Squash
Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 7, 2021
Orange Bell Peppers
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 8, 2021
Honey Nut Squash
Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 8, 2021
Gateway Greens
Moistenland Hydroponic Garden, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 9, 2021
Snowball Cauliflower
Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 11, 2021
Guitar Case Greens, Honey Nut Squash, Red Bell Pepper, Celery, San Marzano Tomato
Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 11, 2021
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 12, 2021
Gatherer’s Gold Pepper, Orange Bell Pepper, San Marzano Tomatoes, Bumblebee Tomatoes
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 12, 2021
Orange Bell Pepper
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 12, 2021
Honey Nut Squash, Guitar Case Greens
Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 12, 2021

On The Streets Where I Live:

Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 6, 2021
Palm Avenue
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 6, 2021
West Third Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 9, 2021

Parks and Recreation:

Tideview Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 7, 2021
Spanish Pond Trail, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve
Jacksonville, FL – September 11, 2021
Spanish Pond Trail, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve
Jacksonville, FL – September 11, 2021
Lake Loop Trail
Jacksonville Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Jacksonville, FL – September 12, 2021

Codee Cam:

Snuggle Bug Close Up
Codee, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 8, 2021
Watching The Waves
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 9, 2021
The Ripple Effect
Atlantic Beach, FL – September 11, 2021

On The Plates:

Roasted Cabbage, Sweet Onion, Golden Beet, and Chicken Breast
Potato Cabbage Chicken Salad, Sugar Snap Peas, Gatherer’s Gold Sweet Pepper

Garmin Says:

Stay safe and moving, y’all!

Calm Reflections, Unexpected Snacks, and Soda Can Flowers

Day 26 of My 28 Day Refocus

Tideview Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 27, 2021

You might think that after five hundred and thirty days of hanging out here in Atlantic Beach, I would be getting bored of some of my favorite places. Maybe it’s that the tide and the storms bring natural variation every day or maybe it’s that I split my focus between the view and the little dude or maybe it’s that I am hardwired to do the same show eight times a week. Whatever the reason, I can say that I am not the least bit bored with the views at Tideview and I hope you aren’t either.

Fishing For Lunch, Tideview Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 27, 2021
Codee, Tideview Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 27, 2021

In The Gardens:

San Marzano Tomatoes and Honey Nut Squash, Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 27, 2021

Who else has had the pleasure of the honey nut squash on their plate? They can be tricky to find, but the small squashes were bred for a chef that was looking for a butternut squash with more flavor and less size….So, basically a honey nut squash is a concentrated butternut squash and they are super delicious and really adorable. You know, if you’re into that sort of “vegetables can be cute” thing like I am. I bought a packet of seeds last year and have had some limited success growing them on the balcony, but as I mention often, I grow things more for the entertainment than the yield…at the moment. Honey nut squash produce these bright, shiny blossoms that make me smile even if they never become squash. As a side note, I can’t get any variety of squash to survive in the garden, but I do have a few peppers holding on.

Gatherer’s Gold Peppers
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 27, 2021
Codee Enjoying an Unexpected Snack
Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 27, 2021

On The Streets Where I Live:

High Flamingos, First Street
Neptune Beach, FL – August 27, 2021

Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach share a town line and they are similar in a lot of ways, but there is a little more of the funky beach vibe in Neptune. This particular little patch of front yard is probably my favorite along First Street. The owner is quite an artist about using recycled materials to scatter some fun into native plants beds. They also have wildflowers for the pollinators and a couple of other cute sculptures.

Recycled Flower, First Street
Neptune Beach, FL – August 27, 2021
Neptune Flower, First Street
Neptune Beach, FL – August 27, 2021

Sweating It Out:

I love a quick walk down First Street. It’s a straight shot and there are so many people out running, walking, biking, and roller blading to help move you along. On the way back, a very pleasant older gentleman on a bike remarked, “Now THAT’S what I call a power walk!” While it was a bit startling, his encouragement was nice and reminded me that I hope to hear that same phrase during a load out again soon enough.

On The Plates:

Chicken twice in one day? Almost unheard of for me. 😉 Both meals were really yummy and pretty filling, though. Supper included Applegate Organics Chicken and Apple Sausage, spaghetti squash, roasted cauliflower and orange pepper, basil, olive oil, nutritional yeast and a dash of crushed red pepper. Dinner was shredded chicken breast with roasted eggplant, onion, and grape tomatoes. I threw a couple of over grown arugula leaves that I had on the balcony in there for a little brightness. To round it out and up my fat intake, I had a couple of servings of raw cashews. I also had an apple because I love a little sweet at the end of my day.


Perfectly on that razor’s edge of the calorie goal for the day….Just the way I like it.

Garmin Says:

Stay safe and moving, y’all!


Sweet Dreams, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 27, 2021

Guarding The Line, Artificial Sunshine, and Miss Swift

Day 25 of My 28 Day Refocus

Keeping Guard at Town Center
Atlantic Beach/Neptune Beach, FL – August 26, 2021

There were some rough seas this morning and not many people were braving the water, but our lifeguards were looking out just the same. Remarkably enough, I have not braved the water above my knees this summer, but I come to the beach almost everyday and it’s one of the places that I will miss the most when my time off comes to an end. I just keep reminding myself that I bought my condo and that it will all be here waiting….fingers crossed, of course.

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 26, 2021

In The Gardens:

Team Beautification, Beach Blvd
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 26, 2021
Dreary Day Sunshine, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 26, 2021

Back To The Beach:

Atlantic Beach FL – August 26, 2021

There was a break in the storms that made for a beautiful evening stroll and a little “bird” watching. I know it sounds a little like something an 8 year old boy would say, but I think that helicopters are so cool. We get a fair amount of air traffic over our beach because there is a Navy base 3.5 miles up from my place.

Atlantic Beach FL – August 26, 2021
Atlantic Beach FL – August 26, 2021

Sweating It Out:

I had pretty mixed emotions about my cardio goal when I first set it. First, I thought it was too easy. Then, I was concerned that it was going to be too hard, but I think I hit it right on. The freedom of pace makes it not an overwhelming daily task and I think that I have found an awesome rhythm this week. I used to be so concerned with pace and distance. Right now, I am concerned with consistency, fun, and a feeling of accomplishment. Plus, it’s a truly great way to spend a rainy hour.

What I Watched:

I wouldn’t say that I am a fan of her music, mostly, because, well…I just never really listened to it. BUT….I am a big fan of hers. What is there not to love about a business woman, positive role model, and artist. I really enjoyed watching some of the story of her rise in the industry. I hate how right she can be about the perceived length of time that the American public will tolerate a woman being successful, but I hope that she sticks around for a few more decades. It turns out, she’s also a great storyteller.

On The Plates:

I don’t think that I have had this green drink consistency before. I am thinking about mixing it up once tour starts again and trying Athletic Greens. I don’t usually consume things with stevia because I have read some conflicting reports…surprise, surprise, right?…But convenience might win out a bit more on this upcoming tour. Drop me a line if you are an Athletic Greens supporter. I would love to hear your opinion of the product. Goodness knows that I hear all my favorite podcast hosts rave about it. Anyway, for the first food food meal of the day, I had chicken breast with roasted cauliflower, eggplant, and grape tomatoes. I also had a few extra herby bits kicking around, so there is a bit of basil and parsley in there as well.

See? Sometimes, I want to shout, “I eat things out of a package!!” 🙂 I’m just kidding, but it does happen. It’s a complicated food system out there, but I do think that a few companies are really trying to put out quality products. I really like the Applegate Organics Chicken and Apple Sausage. The chickens are raised in a certified humane way and the majority of the ingredients are organic which is about as good as it gets, barring knowing the farmer, of course. Plus, they are fully cooked and tasty. Tonight, I had one sliced into some coconut milk buckwheat and green beans. Less than 15 minutes to the bowl!

Okay, I’m going to keep working on it, but I have always had a difficult time getting these to photograph as delightfully as they taste. I pretty much end every night with a version of one, though, so…there you have it. I’m trying to get into this single ingredient pea protein that I bought and, it turns out that blending it with banana, strawberries, coconut milk, and basil helped me not care that it’s a little grainy.
Like so many, I might be a little addicted to sugar…😉 and, like so many things in life, my recovery from it is a long and bumpy process. I like the way the addiction manifests itself in this phase, though and, historically, I have had very few regrets from indulging in natural sugars in whole fruit form. I can guarantee that my blood sugar wasn’t into the Jameson or the ice cream phase of my life, so progress, not perfection, right?


Garmin Says:

Stay safe and moving, y’all!

Beach Love, Peas, and A Garden Helper

This is Codee’s favorite park right now. It’s really great foe a few reasons, but mostly because there are squirrels to chase, an after school program that produces dropped snacks, and shade. Also, it’s right next to the garden so we go there pretty much every day. In addition to the Community Center, there are lots of amenities, like a really clean bathroom, so it was always one of my favorites.

In The Gardens:

Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021

And, there is always some thing to see in the garden even in the heat of August. At the condo, the sprouts are popping, the eggplant has taken off, and some peas are coming in.

Eggplant, San Marzano Tomato, Cauliflower, Eggplant, Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021
Tom Thumb Peas, Upcycle Balcony Victory Garden
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021

On The Beach:

Love On The Rocks, The Cloisters
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021

It’s still warm during the late afternoon on the beach but there was an amazing breeze and, if you hide in the shade, it’s the best place to think.

Kisses From Codee, The Cloisters Pier
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021
A Contemplative Happy Hour, The Cloisters Pier
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021

Sweating It Out:

I think it’s going to be a week of, primarily, treadmill time since the weather can be some what unpredictable. It’s not that I can’t run in tricky weather. I just love to use it as an excuse…too windy, too hot, it might rain, too cold, and on and on…All of it is BS, obviously, and I know myself well enough to know I need to work around it. I say it all the time because it’s true, the treadmill helps me limit my excuses. I started on the treadmill and it’s always a good place to come back.

What I Watched:

I know that this movie has a controversy and a larger story, but I really can’t tell you about it. What I can tell you is that I think watching Bob Ross paint is mesmerizing. I was really just lost in my own thoughts as he made all the landscapes come to life.

On The Plates:

Gratefully, my fridge is well stocked at this point in the week. I roasted an eggplant along with a couple of handfuls of grape tomatoes and a diced white onion the other day in the Ninja. For supper, I served it over mixed spring greens with a roasted Lola Farms chicken breast. Dinner was a variation on the dish of the month…Cubed steak with coconut milk buckwheat, roasted peppers, and zucchini. I know that quinoa has more protein, but I don’t care. I love my soaked buckwheat groats cooked in full fat coconut milk. The protein is why the grass fed beef is there, right?


I wish I could fix the settings in this app to reflect my static calorie goals of 1500/5 days and 1700/2 days, but it is a good exercise in letting go of things that don’t matter. It’s not like the app is judging me for going over their daily limit…I mean, maybe it feels that way a little bit because of the red ”!”, but I digress. Rounding out the calories today were the standard green drink and dessert in a super weird frozen treat form that is not ready for sharing. I’m not really ready for it yet either since it’s a fall flavor profile, but I think I know how I need to tweak it.

Garmin Says:

Stay safe and moving, y’all!

Codee Close Ups, A Little Sky Art, and Good Sticker Advice

Day 22 of 28 Day Refocus

Sky Art
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021

Parks and Recreation:

“We’re going around again?!?” – Codee
Atlantic Beach Dog Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021

After the morning on the beach, a little nap (not for me), and lunch (also not for me), I decided to swing past the dog park. While Codee was doing those other things, I was typing so I was looking for an excuse to get out as much as he was. We like the dog park when it’s empty, especially while Codee is still on prednisone, and today we lucked out. Another silver lining to practice retirement (what I sometimes call my pandemic experience) is that we can go at random time during the day, so we typically luck out a couple of times a week and find the park vacant. The town just completed a renovation of the park where they installed a rubber track, filled in large holes and replaced all the grass. It’s better than ever.

“Is this a food thing?” – Codee
Atlantic Beach Dog Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021

On The Streets Where I Live:

Neighborhood Car, 6th Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021
Neighborhood Car, Ocean Blvd
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021

Sweating It Out:

Mondays are my weekly cardio rest day, but I did a little resistance work to keep the tide moving. It’s not that I don’t like a complete rest day, but it’s more important for me to gain momentum this month. A body at rest and all that…Plus, I started really small and I’m feeling good.

On The Plates:

I finally made it through the bag of chia seeds that I had in the freezer, so I have moved on to having flax seed meal in my brunch green drink. They certainly aren’t interchangeable all the time, but for my purposes (healthy fats including Omega 3s and fiber), they are and I am in the process of actively trying to empty my freezers. Yes, plural…I am going to remodel my kitchen and situating freezer placement is definitely a part of that. Anyway, because this is already ground flax meal, nothing about the blending process changes. The drink has a slighting different taste, but I’m into it.
Dinner and dessert were kind of a combo meal because that’s how the evening worked out. I love love love fruit and sometimes, I over buy it and sometimes, I definitely over eat it, but I used to drink my sugar in whiskey form, so I’m heading on a positive trajectory. The point is that I made a little (not really) fruit salad because it sounded yummy and I had a few pieces of ripe fruit. Then, I had some…and some more…and then I realized that I should go ahead and add some protein since it seemed I was going to have fruit for dinner. Because I was in the process of prepping chicken for the week, it was easy to add a serving of baked chicken as side to my fruit salad. Is now a good time to remind you that I am 100% NOT recommending that anyone eat how I eat?? I think it is.

The plated meal today was so delicious that it’s definitely going to top the weekly rotation for quick dinners. These are little packets of grass fed beef, cubed steak with a touch of mayo wrapped in a turmeric coconut wrap. I picked some greens from the balcony to put under a few matchsticked rainbow carrots and some grape tomatoes for color, crunch, and all that other veggie goodness. I choose to use my fat portions in the wrap so I skipped the olive oil, but I definitely seasoned all the veggies. Don’t skip that part.


Garmin Says:

In terms of my overall challenge goals, not hitting the step goal one day per week doesn’t constitute a huge failure in my book. I didn’t want to adjust the goal because in two months, I am not going to have much of a choice. Better to keep aiming for it, right, but I have to admit that I really didn’t focus on it. I was completely solid on every other goal, so maybe I needed a rule that was meant to be broken. I think I picked the perfect one. 🙂

Stay safe and moving, y’all!

Insect Crossing, Guitar Case Chard, and Sandra Oh

Day 19 of 28 Day Refocus

Jacksonville Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Jacksonville, FL – August 20, 2021

It seems silly to drive for a walk, but the sun can be pretty relentless around here…when it’s not stormy…even in the morning. I suppose we could get going earlier, but we’re not that kind of team. As expected, the best place to find the shade is at the Arboretum, but even there we’re doing fairly short morning activities. As many times as I have been now, I still see something new and beautiful every time wander through their trails. We had kind of hit a stride when I took this photo and, full disclosure, the shot was for the flower, but I guess this guy was out for a stroll as well.

Jacksonville Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Jacksonville, FL – August 20, 2021

In The Gardens:

Guitar Case Greens, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 20, 2021

It got so much bigger than I expected! I love growing chard even if I don’t usually eat what I grow. I lose a lot to weather and I’m on borrowed time now, but I think it’s so pretty with the bright, contrasting stalks.

Honey Nut Squash, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 20, 2021

On The Beach:

We’re deep into the rhythm of August with heavy mornings, afternoon thunderstorms, and clear perfect evenings, so I have been trying to make up for our lack of distance during our evening walks. I have varying success with the exercise part, but we have fun on the beach regardless of heart rate. It’s never a waste of time to come to the beach.

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 20, 2021

Sweating It Out:

My pace today varied from 4.2 to 6.0 with the majority of around 5.6 and I held 3lb dumb bells for 4 of the 5 miles. Nice and even…unlike the weather outside.

What I Watched:

I am loving all the female driven content! Especially, shows that are discussing some of the realities of breaking into a predominantly male environment when you are not one of them. Specifically, the emotional care that we are expected to present to our older male counter because they might get their feelings hurt when they realize they aren’t in charge anymore. This was a good watch and Sandra Oh delivers a great character. I hope they make Season 2.

On The Plates:

Today’s menu was all about the heat of summer. My standard green drink, raw veggie snacks, and a delicious blended frozen blueberry cashew banana jar (phew…I need a better name and not Nice Cream). Okay, that was my biggest calorie meal, but supper was the only one on a plate. The other day, I listened to a Leslie Jordan interview and he mentioned that he makes chicken salad a lot and now that I have made my own mayo, I’m all about it. I wish I had hard boiled eggs in the fridge like his mama used to use, but this version has capers, tons of sauteed leeks, and a touch of Dijon. Complimented by some veggies, it makes the perfect summer plate. Maybe I should have eaten those mushrooms a few days ago, but they were still tasty. It was just a snacky kind of day which isn’t terribly unusual for me. This is why logging is so important for me though, because if I’m not paying attention, the snacking can get out of hand…pun intended. 😉


Garmin Says:

Keep calm and carry on or something like that… I know it’s redundant, but I’m feeling really proud of my consistency nearing the end of Week 3.

Stay safe and moving, y’all!!!

A Repurposed Foot Wash, Tiny Peppers, and A Run Through Dutton Island Preserve

Day 18 of 28 Day Refocus

A Crystal Clear Morning, 7th Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021

We had a great walk through the neighborhood to the beach this morning and Codee was super excited about pretty much all of it, especially whatever he found in the sand under the pier.

7th Street Public Beach Shower
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021
Under The Pier, The Cloisters
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021
Neighborhood Love, 10th Street
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021

Parks and Recreation:

Dutton Island Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021

I took a run out to Dutton Island in the early evening. It’s one of my favorite routes, but for whatever reason, Codee doesn’t ever want to walk the trail, so I thought it would be ideal to head out there solo. It was the perfect time of day for it, too. Of course, the mosquitoes agreed, so I was definitely motivated to keep the snapshots short and move along.

Dutton Island Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021
Dutton Island Preserve
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 19, 2021

Sweating It Out:

A little warm, but I loved it. I stopped a bunch to take photos and then to water the plants at the garden on the way back home. I almost always wear my Camelback vest and today I was especially grateful for it.
I broke the resistance moves into two teeny tiny circuits today, one in the morning and one before bed.

Podcast of The Day:

Okay, obviously this podcast is a little heavy, but I can get into that every so often. This episode, in particular, was really personal for me for a lot of reasons. I love the conversation about the different faces of quitting…some things you quit because they are simply hard and some things you quit because they don’t serve you, yet we use the same word for both regardless if the outcome is positive or negative.

On The Plates:

After the standard brunch green drink, the meals accidentally resembled each other in palette and palate and a lot of that can be blamed on how deliciously ripe the pint of sun gold cherry tomatoes that I bought are. I can’t believe that I was able to restrain myself from eating the entire pint today, but I actually had to eat these ones because they likely won’t make it to tomorrow. I don’t put my tomatoes in the fridge, so when they are super ripe, there really isn’t any time to waste. These are like candy, so I didn’t want to wait. Okay, moving on.
For supper, I had the sun golds along with salmon salad, Mary’s Gone Crackers Classic Seed Crackers, sugar snap peas, and arugula. Dinner was with baked chicken breast, Chickapea Linguine (it’s a brand, not a typo), cauliflower, green beans, and extra virgin olive oil.


That’s what I call right on the razor’s edge of not meeting the goal…I am trying to stay under 1500 calories five days of the week and 1700 for the other two days. I squeaked in right under the wire, but it was a super yummy day. Those tomatoes….

Garmin Says:

Bumping my pace really kicked that calorie number up. Plus, it was really fun to run in the woods. 🙂

Seite Chicken Salad with Chickpea Leek Fritters

I don’t know where to start with this one because I am really excited about a how the fritters came out, but it is a salad after all, so I guess I should start with the greens. I will admit to being in a rut with my greens selection, but I love what arugula brings to the table in terms of flavor, so it’s my solid “go to” at the grocery store. It’s not so much that I am a salad girl because I love salads, but more that I came to love a salad because I learned more and more about how important a daily does of greens is. Also, I started putting everything on a plate of greens because it looks better and because it’s a super low prep ingredient. I find that arugula holds up to the type of salads that I like to make. Ones with heartier portion of protein and lots of veggies. The greens in this salad can either add a little more kick of pepper or can help cool it down…Choose whichever variety of greens you like the best on that day, but load up the plate.

Initially I called this hot chicken. While I was typing it though, I remembered that my guys in Nashville might feel that I am being deceptive if I call it hot chicken because I simply added some Seite hot sauce to a cooked, shredded chicken breast that I had in the fridge. Their hot chicken takes a ton more work and planning.

I love Seite hot sauce and I think that the flavors are complex enough that it doesn’t need any dressing up. I would not make this dish with Tabasco sauce…I mean, you could, if that’s your thing, but I wouldn’t. Nothing against Tabasco, but it needs friends to balance it out. Even something like Frank’s Hot Sauce, which I also like, isn’t going to deliver solo like Seite does for me. That’s why, if I am making more traditional wings, I would add butter to Frank’s. Usually, I am a pretty big fan of butter (I have grass fed cow rules, of course), but I made this dish because someone was talking about wings and I am not eating dairy this month. This isn’t really anything like wings for a couple of reasons, but the spicy, juicy chicken really hit the spot. As always, use what suits your taste and add additional fat and flavor as you want. The beautiful part about the chicken that I buy, is that it is so…wait for it…moist that it doesn’t need the additional fat to keep it delicious. I also knew that I was going to use a bunch in the fritters. I am going to eat everything together, so the chicken really doesn’t need any extra oil.

The chicken breast was seasoned the night before I cooked it with sea salt and then roasted, skin on, in the Ninja at Bake/400 degrees for about 20 minutes. Cooking time will vary depending on size, but I take it to an internal temperature of 165 degrees. I batch cook a few different cuts of chicken for the week and then portion it, without the skin, to use in different ways throughout the week. My standard serving is 4 oz of whatever the animal protein of the meal is or 112 gram. Ultimately, I probably end up consuming around 100 oz per meal because I am a sucker for my dog’s cute face, but adjust the serving size as needed for your life. Four ounces of shredded chicken also fits very nicely in a one cup mason jar and I stash them in my fridge and freezer for quick meals. So, I added a tablespoon (15g) of Seite hot sauce to a jar, stirred to combine it, popped the lid on, and put it back in the fridge for awhile.

Sometimes, I sneak a bonus veggie in there to maximize my cooking time…

Then, I used what was left of my over cooked spaghetti squash (about 3/4 cup) and mixed it up really well with some sprouted chickpea flour (1/2 cup), a couple tablespoons of sautéed leeks, a dash of garlic powder, 1/4 tsp sea salt, and a dash of black pepper and tucked that back in the fridge alongside the mason jar of marinating chicken…Is it still marinating if it’s already cooked?… hmmm… Anyway, they both joined the already roasted cauliflower that I cut into bite sized pieces.

This is another one of those “people think I eat weird foods” moments, but I have really grown to like cauliflower and it’s one of the veggies that I cooked every week. Because it’s just me in the house, I roast the cauliflower naked…both of it’s leaves and of oil, but you probably want to add some. I roast the head, whole, in the Ninja at Bake/400 degrees for 20 minutes. Depending on the size of the head of cauliflower, of course, this usually keeps it pretty crisp on the inside, but gives it some color on the outside. This way, I can eat it as a simple snack or side or I can continue to cook it into a dish without it becoming total mush. If I was going to make it just for this dish, I would probably rub about a tablespoon of avocado oil on it and roast it at 375 degrees for closer to 30 minutes, depending on how crisp you like your veggies.

When it was time for dinner, I cooked the fritters in a tablespoon of avocado oil in a moderately hot pan. A drop of water wants to sizzle, but you definitely don’t want any smoke. It’s a 4 on my stovetop, but I have burned a batch or two, so start lower when in doubt. I like to portion the oil in a little bowl and then use a brush to coat the pan. It gives me more control over how much of the oil gets used where. Chickpea pancakes, and fritters 🙂, like to stick to the pan, so use a non-stick if that’s your thing. I like the avocado oil because it’s pretty neutral in taste and high in smoke point. When I flip them, I brush another layer of oil on the pan for the new side so both get crispy and yummy. These ones were extra delicious because the spaghetti squash gives a little sweetness and the leeks bring the savory.

All that was left to do was chop some celery, put the arugula on the plate, and piled on the chicken. I cheated and used a prop sauce because I thought it would look better and because most people have a ranch or blue cheese dressing that they like. I wasn’t in the mood for a dressing, but you should use one of those options if you aren’t dairy free.

Suspect Eyes, A Droopy Head, and A Cashew Comeback

Day 17 of 28 Day Refocus

Happy hump day! Is that still a thing? If I had to choose a hump day on the road, it would be Friday. We’re typically settled in the city by that point and hitting the groove before a weekend of shows. They’ll be plenty of time for that madness soon enough, but around here, it’s still summer vacation. Codee’s path to fitness is not quite as quick as one might like, but he is showing significant improvements in his overall energy as we continue to drop the daily dose of prednisone. He’ll always be my food dude, though.

“So…this is not a food thing, then?”, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 18, 2021

I was reminded that I have to work on his manners when people come and go from the condo in a big way this morning. I had a contractor come to give me an estimate for some renovations and he gets worked up now when people come to the door. He calms down fairly quickly, but the whole process starts again if they leave and then re-enter his line of sight. He wasn’t protective before and he’s not in the least bit aggressive, but he is loud and it stresses him out a bit. On the other hand, it stresses me out a lot, but I remind myself that adding to his nervous energy is the exact opposite of helpful and take a deep breath. It’s a delicate line because, as I am sure you can imagine, I do, kind of, like that he responds, but we’re going to work on fine tuning it.

In The Garden:

Heavy Headed Mammoth Sunflowers, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 18, 2021

From ginormous flowers to tiny trees to naturally hideous kale plants, it’s a weird in between time in northeast Florida. I think the tallest of these guys has given it everything he has, though! I wonder if the massive amounts of rain that we have had recently just soaked the whole thing. Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers, but when they get droopy, I feel like it’s sad for everyone to keep them around. Like, I should let the poor plant keep some dignity and go out with no one watching… Also, I am afraid that it’s going to come down during a thunderstorm unexpectedly. I don’t want any complaints from the neighbors about a 9’ sunflower blocking the driveway. I wonder if I’ll need my tiny hacksaw. Tune in tomorrow to see how I fold it into the Rogue.

Tiny Plants, The Condo
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 18, 2021

I think if I can keep these guys alive through the heat, they might make it through the fall. The big pepper plants still have peppers on them, but the kale is in pretty rough condition, however, it is still growing new leaves and in my garden, that means hope. I think it’s growing back from the last big harvest in a really unique way. None of the other plants in the garden have side offshoots. I hope she makes it.

Lacinato Kale and Gatherer’s Gold Sweet Peppers
Dig Local Communtity, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 18, 2021

Sweating It Out:

Feeling hot, hot, hot… I am grateful for the luxury of my treadmill for so many reasons. It’s a much better practice to spend some evening time on the treadmill than on the couch. The silver lining to living alone is that I can watch whatever I want while I trot along. To boost the calorie burn a bit, I held my 3lb dumb bells for four of the five miles.

Okay, I swear that I am not completely obsessed with Jason Bateman, but since they mentioned this movie on Smartless, I wanted to check it out. It’s entertaining, but I’d watch Ozarks again before re-watching this one, for sure. I definitely know people that have that seriously competitive spirit, though!!

On The Plates:

If it ain’t broke…the green drink brunch continues, but in some shocking news…today, I mixed it up and added some bonus cucumber. A co-worker of mine called it “crunchy water” one time and I think that it’s a much better name for them. I like to be fancy and buy the English cucumbers when they aren’t too soft. It often feels like I am the only one who eats veggies as a snack…I mean, I also love a pickle, but maybe it’s that the fresh cucumbers always seem so refreshing. Maybe, I don’t drink enough water. Does anyone else love to eat salted slices of cucumber?
At the end of the day, I thawed some plums from a farmers market a few weeks ago that I had tucked in the freezer and I added cashews back into my life for the first time in four weeks. I missed them so much. Nuts are definitely my binge weakness though, especially since it’s really easy to lose count of how many I have had. I’m going to keep measuring, tracking, and for sure posting because that accountability really helps me make better choices. Thanks for that. 🙂

On to dinner. I had a Hot Chicken Arugula Salad with Chickpea Leek Squash Fritters. It sounds super complicated, but it’s not. I mean, it could be but it wasn’t. I added some Seite hot sauce to a cooked, shredded chicken breast that I had in the fridge. Then, I used what was left of my over cooked spaghetti squash and mixed it up really well with some chickpea flour, sautéed leeks, garlic, sea salt, and black pepper and tucked that back in the fridge alongside the mason jar of marinating chicken…is it still marinating if it’s already cooked?… hmmm… Anyway, they both joined the already roasted cauliflower that I cut into bite sized pieces. When it was time for dinner, I cooked the fritters in some avocado oil on the stovetop, chopped some celery, put the arugula on the plate, and piled on the chicken. I cheated and filled in a fake sauce because I thought it would look better and because most people have a ranch or blue cheese dressing that they like. I wasn’t in the mood for a dressing, but you should use one of those if you are.


Garmin Says:

I am enjoying my time off, to say the very least.

Stay safe and moving, y’all!

Roasted Chicken, Chickpea Spirals, Broccoli and Extra Virgin Olive Oil

So simple. So yummy. I find that the key really is to season my food properly, but I am a veggie lover all the way, so they don’t need much for me. The chicken adds even more fantastically filling protein and tasty fat. I had a skinless chicken breast already roasted in the fridge, but this would be a great meal for a rotisserie chicken or really any leftovers. If you are starting from scratch, I roast chicken breasts, that I usually season the night before with salt and pepper, in the Ninja at Bake/400 degrees for about 15 minutes. Cooking time will, obviously, depend on the thickness, but I take the internal temp to 165 degrees and then let them rest for at least 10 minutes before I slice them…or whatever it is I might be doing with them.


As always, substitute in your favorite products, but I have taken gluten, dairy, and added sugar out of my diet for a month. Even when I am not restricting gluten, it turns out that I enjoy a lot of the “pasta” products that have come out recently. It’s not because I think that pasta is “bad” or I shouldn’t eat it, but because I love the extra bang for my buck that I get in the protein department with some of them. A word of caution for any beginners…I have given many a lecture about pasta replacements that go something like this, “Please, accept this food for what it is. You will be disappointed if you think that what you are about to eat is comparable to semolina pasta, but you may decide you really like it if you let it stand alone.” Now that I have gotten that noodley bit caveat out of the way….
My favorite of the bunch on the market these days are the Chickapea brand products. I love all of their shapes and the noodles cook really fast, which means that I can still reap all the time saving benefits of a box of pasta. You also get all the other benefits. They are reasonably priced, shelf stable, and they have a little selection of shapes to keep it interesting. They are a huge part of my rotation these days. 🙂