Walking The Wall, Blood Sugar Balance, and A Scary Crab
Day 12 of 28 Day Refocus

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 13, 2021
We had a little bit of time back at the Atlantic Beach Dog Park. When I first started bringing Codee here he didn’t know how to swim and he would jump off of this wall to run with other dogs…Of course, he would land in a sliding face plant, but he never seemed to mind. He’s way calmer now, but he still likes to be up high.

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 13, 2021
In The Gardens:

Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 13, 2021

Dig Local Community Garden, Dutton Island Road
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 13, 2021
On The Beach:
I haven’t seen Codee jump in a long time…I really wish I had a video of it because he, absolutely, did NOT expect this guy to be alive!!!

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 13, 2021

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 13, 2021
Sweating It Out:

It was such a beautiful day that Codee and I spent most of it outside. He’s still not feeling the consistency, so I pushed the exercise part of my day into the evening. Not going lie, there’s something nice about just trotting along while you watch people bake epic desserts on TV. It’s, oddly,, very relaxing to me.
Podcast of The Day:

This is one of those episodes that I think is really good if you are just trying to dip your toe into the “health space.” The conversation is about taking an active participation in the regulation of your blood sugar. Like most things, there’s a product, but the topic of blood sugar balance and inflammation is relevant to so many people’s struggle to taking back control of their health.
On The Plates:
In the interest of posting a plate a day for this challenge, I give you a shot of my dinner, but it’s really not anything to write home about, so to speak. As my boss Buist would say, “They can’t all be winners, right?” It’s the end of the week and the farmer’s market is tomorrow and 10% off produce is Sunday, so this was a meal from the freezer. I had some overcooked spaghetti squash that froze a couple of weeks ago because I wasn’t sure what to so with it, so I mixed a bit of it into some quinoa and frozen peas. It gave it a bump of sweetness and maybe a few nutrients without a lot of calories. The veggie burger is okay, but not really anything exceptional and you can see that it was having a difficult time staying together. I had some harissa, homemade mayo, and balcony greens with it though, so that helped a lot. For 15 minutes of work, it did a very nice job even if it will never be a five star plate.
The photography only got worse as the plates went on. I had peanut oatmeal scramble for dinner which is rolled oats, peanut protein powder, and eggs. I assure you this does not photograph well even under the best of circumstances. I added a couple of frozen plums because I could…I shouldn’t have. They were really yummy, but definitely didn’t help my artistic endeavors…Good thing food doesn’t always have to be beautifully plated to be nourishing and tasty, right?

A little light on the protein side, but a pretty solid day in terms of the calorie and macronutrient goals.

Garmin Says:

Moving and grooving today!
Stay safe and moving, y’all!