Codee Close Ups, A Little Sky Art, and Good Sticker Advice
Day 22 of 28 Day Refocus

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021
Parks and Recreation:

Atlantic Beach Dog Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021
After the morning on the beach, a little nap (not for me), and lunch (also not for me), I decided to swing past the dog park. While Codee was doing those other things, I was typing so I was looking for an excuse to get out as much as he was. We like the dog park when it’s empty, especially while Codee is still on prednisone, and today we lucked out. Another silver lining to practice retirement (what I sometimes call my pandemic experience) is that we can go at random time during the day, so we typically luck out a couple of times a week and find the park vacant. The town just completed a renovation of the park where they installed a rubber track, filled in large holes and replaced all the grass. It’s better than ever.

Atlantic Beach Dog Park
Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021
On The Streets Where I Live:

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 23, 2021
Sweating It Out:

Mondays are my weekly cardio rest day, but I did a little resistance work to keep the tide moving. It’s not that I don’t like a complete rest day, but it’s more important for me to gain momentum this month. A body at rest and all that…Plus, I started really small and I’m feeling good.
On The Plates:

I finally made it through the bag of chia seeds that I had in the freezer, so I have moved on to having flax seed meal in my brunch green drink. They certainly aren’t interchangeable all the time, but for my purposes (healthy fats including Omega 3s and fiber), they are and I am in the process of actively trying to empty my freezers. Yes, plural…I am going to remodel my kitchen and situating freezer placement is definitely a part of that. Anyway, because this is already ground flax meal, nothing about the blending process changes. The drink has a slighting different taste, but I’m into it.
Dinner and dessert were kind of a combo meal because that’s how the evening worked out. I love love love fruit and sometimes, I over buy it and sometimes, I definitely over eat it, but I used to drink my sugar in whiskey form, so I’m heading on a positive trajectory. The point is that I made a little (not really) fruit salad because it sounded yummy and I had a few pieces of ripe fruit. Then, I had some…and some more…and then I realized that I should go ahead and add some protein since it seemed I was going to have fruit for dinner. Because I was in the process of prepping chicken for the week, it was easy to add a serving of baked chicken as side to my fruit salad. Is now a good time to remind you that I am 100% NOT recommending that anyone eat how I eat?? I think it is.

The plated meal today was so delicious that it’s definitely going to top the weekly rotation for quick dinners. These are little packets of grass fed beef, cubed steak with a touch of mayo wrapped in a turmeric coconut wrap. I picked some greens from the balcony to put under a few matchsticked rainbow carrots and some grape tomatoes for color, crunch, and all that other veggie goodness. I choose to use my fat portions in the wrap so I skipped the olive oil, but I definitely seasoned all the veggies. Don’t skip that part.

Garmin Says:
In terms of my overall challenge goals, not hitting the step goal one day per week doesn’t constitute a huge failure in my book. I didn’t want to adjust the goal because in two months, I am not going to have much of a choice. Better to keep aiming for it, right, but I have to admit that I really didn’t focus on it. I was completely solid on every other goal, so maybe I needed a rule that was meant to be broken. I think I picked the perfect one. 🙂

Stay safe and moving, y’all!