Beach Love, Peas, and A Garden Helper

This is Codee’s favorite park right now. It’s really great foe a few reasons, but mostly because there are squirrels to chase, an after school program that produces dropped snacks, and shade. Also, it’s right next to the garden so we go there pretty much every day. In addition to the Community Center, there are lots of amenities, like a really clean bathroom, so it was always one of my favorites.
In The Gardens:

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021
And, there is always some thing to see in the garden even in the heat of August. At the condo, the sprouts are popping, the eggplant has taken off, and some peas are coming in.

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021
On The Beach:

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021
It’s still warm during the late afternoon on the beach but there was an amazing breeze and, if you hide in the shade, it’s the best place to think.

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021

Atlantic Beach, FL – August 25, 2021
Sweating It Out:

I think it’s going to be a week of, primarily, treadmill time since the weather can be some what unpredictable. It’s not that I can’t run in tricky weather. I just love to use it as an excuse…too windy, too hot, it might rain, too cold, and on and on…All of it is BS, obviously, and I know myself well enough to know I need to work around it. I say it all the time because it’s true, the treadmill helps me limit my excuses. I started on the treadmill and it’s always a good place to come back.
What I Watched:

I know that this movie has a controversy and a larger story, but I really can’t tell you about it. What I can tell you is that I think watching Bob Ross paint is mesmerizing. I was really just lost in my own thoughts as he made all the landscapes come to life.
On The Plates:

Gratefully, my fridge is well stocked at this point in the week. I roasted an eggplant along with a couple of handfuls of grape tomatoes and a diced white onion the other day in the Ninja. For supper, I served it over mixed spring greens with a roasted Lola Farms chicken breast. Dinner was a variation on the dish of the month…Cubed steak with coconut milk buckwheat, roasted peppers, and zucchini. I know that quinoa has more protein, but I don’t care. I love my soaked buckwheat groats cooked in full fat coconut milk. The protein is why the grass fed beef is there, right?

I wish I could fix the settings in this app to reflect my static calorie goals of 1500/5 days and 1700/2 days, but it is a good exercise in letting go of things that don’t matter. It’s not like the app is judging me for going over their daily limit…I mean, maybe it feels that way a little bit because of the red ”!”, but I digress. Rounding out the calories today were the standard green drink and dessert in a super weird frozen treat form that is not ready for sharing. I’m not really ready for it yet either since it’s a fall flavor profile, but I think I know how I need to tweak it.

Garmin Says:

Stay safe and moving, y’all!